Tax year end is fast approaching, so to make sure you're best prepared, for this episode, we're featuring our most recent tax year end webinar, where Erica and Rob are joined by some special guests, to walk you through a comprehensive checklist for your tax year end planning.
In this engaging and interactive 45-minute session, we cover:
- Stocks & Shares ISA, Junior Stocks & Shares ISA, and SIPP overviews and allowances Tax year-end timelines and key dates The do's and don'ts of tax year-end Our macro-economic outlook for 2022
- Our experts also covered off a number of attendees' tax year end questions in our Q&A, ensuring you make the most of all the allowances and exemptions available to you.
Webinar panelists:
Erica Whyte, Charles Stanley Spokesperson, Charles Stanley Rob Morgan, Charles Stanley Chief Analyst, Charles Stanley Lisa Caplan, Foundation Financial Planning Director, Charles Stanley Chris Ainscough, Director of Asset Management, Charles Stanley
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We Need To Talk About Investing - Ep. 9: Your Tax Year End Checklist
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