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Use one of our calculators to answer your financial questions, such as how much money will you have for your retirement and will your estate be liable for inheritance tax?

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Find out what you need to know

Use our calculators to better understand your current financial situation. If you have further questions, get answers by speaking to one of our financial experts.

Pension Contribution Calculator

Find out how much you will need to save each month to provide you with a sustainable income at retirement.

Inheritance Tax Calculator

Get an estimate of your Inheritance Tax (IHT) liability on death.

Drawdown Calculator

Find out how much you money you will have for your retirement and how much you can draw upon for a sustainable income.

Our stories to help you create a more secure financial future

A world of opportunities in retirement
Read Simon’s story on how he helped his client, Andrew, see there was a world of opportunities for his retirement, which he can fully enjoy now, by including his sons in their conversations.
By Simon Davis
Director of Financial Planning
Investing in your family's future
Read Clive's story about how he helped Robert start passing on his wealth to his daughter after the birth of his grandchild. Besides passing on his money, he wants to pass on his values about hard work and responsibility.
By Clive Worlock
Director of Private Clients
The generation game
Read Henry's story about how after his current clients, Sue & Steve introduced their son, James, to Henry, they were able to build a common ground before James started investing with us.
By Henry Webster
Investment Manager
What do rising gilt yields mean for your money?
By  Rob Morgan
Spokesperson & Chief Analyst
16 Jan 2025 | 7 min read

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0207 739 8200 (Open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

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