For investors who are confident making their own investment decisions, we offer DIY investing options. Manage your investments online or use our dedicated telephone-based service.
If you are happy trading online we offer our Online Investing service. If you’d prefer to talk to someone, choose our Personal Trading service or learn more with an Investment Portfolio Review.
Invest in your future using our first-class investment platform and app. Securely manage your portfolio online, with no minimum investment level.
Explore the stock markets with one of our trusted professionals over the telephone or by email to help you make informed decisions.
Are your investments giving you the right rewards? Have a personal Investment Portfolio Review with one of our financial professionals and gain invaluable insights going forward.
Find out more about our Online Investing platform, as well as other services that could help you on your way.
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For investors who want to make their own investment decisions, we have guidance to help you on your way.
Figuring out how to start investing might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Our helpful guides and videos seek to answer your questions to help you on your way to building wealth.
Explore our Preferred List to help you choose investments that suit your risk appetite and objectives. Alternatively self-select from over 12,500 UK & international shares, funds, gilts, bonds, investment trusts and ETFs.
Building wealth for the future is important, but increasingly people want their investments to do more than make money. Explore our Preferred List to find investments we’ve selected for their positive credentials using ESG factors.
We provide a wide range of professionally managed investment services suited to your different needs, offering flexibility and choice so you can be involved as much or as little as you like with your investments.
For a straightforward way to access our investment expertise, we'll help you invest in one of our funds to suit your needs.
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