My day starts with…
"Assessing any overnight developments in the Asian markets to gain an insight into how the European markets are likely to react when they open. I evaluate news stories, corporate results, and updates to understand how businesses are performing in the current economic and/or political climate."
My favourite thing about Charles Stanley is…
"The people and culture. I am exceedingly fortunate to work with many very talented people who are all experts in their specialities. The culture at Charles Stanley is superb. We actively support one another as we all share a common goal which is to deliver an excellent service to our clients."
The biggest misconception about Charles Stanley is…
"It’s old fashioned. Yes, the business is steeped in history, but it has thrived by evolving in response to changing client needs, which has kept us at the forefront of the sector. We do maintain what some would class as ‘old fashioned’ client service values, but I believe this is why the culture is so impressive."
The most important quality in an Investment Director role is…
"To be able to ask the right questions, then listen and analyse the answer quickly. It is instrumental to really understand what clients are looking to achieve so I can provide them with a bespoke and holistic financial plan and investment proposition which will help them fulfil their objectives. Also, when looking at economic information and meeting with minimise losses during difficult markets. Additionally, staying informed about market trends, economic factors and regulatory changes helps in making well-informed decisions and adapting to shifting market conditions."
The most important lesson I’ve learned so far in my career is…
The value of risk management. In the investment industry, risk is inherent, and understanding how to identify, assess and mitigate risk is crucial. By conducting thorough research and diversifying portfolios, you can protect clients and minimise losses during difficult markets. Additionally, staying informed about market trends, economic factors and regulatory changes helps in making well-informed decisions and adapting to shifting market conditions.
The greatest challenge of my job is…
Keeping on top of the vast amount of information that is flowing constantly as financial markets are a 24-hours-a-day business.
The key to success is…
Adding value to your clients and enhancing their position. Albert Einstein said: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”, and I couldn’t agree more. The Manchester office has strong connections with most of the corporate finance professionals in the North West, and most would introduce their clients to us as they understand the value we can offer to them and their families.
I couldn’t survive on a day-to-day basis at work without...
My team. We help and support each other daily and always find time to smile and make the day enjoyable.
At the weekend you’re most likely to find me...
Emptying cardboard boxes. I’ve just moved house and at the moment most of my spare time is spent with my family reorganising our new home. When I moved house previously I promised myself that I would reduce the amount of ‘stuff’ I own, although in reality I seemed to have accumulated more!
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Inside the mind of an investment manager, Lee
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