Explore the top and bottom ten Investment Association (IA) funds and sectors over the past month.
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Gold continued its standout performance helping propel shares in gold mining companies, while other funds were able to shake off volatility at the start of the month.
Smaller companies funds and commodities stocks were weaker on global growth concerns and more worries about economic progress and consumer confidence from China.
Bonds were resilient, underlining their sensitivity to the prospect of falling interest rates and the benefits of diversification in a portfolio. Other interest rate attuned areas such as property also fared well.
The downbeat news from China continued, with more concerns around the lack of confidence among Chinese consumers. Resources stocks and some economically sensitive areas suffered in sympathy.
There are several thousand funds on sale in the UK. The Investment Association divides these into about 45 sectors, broad groupings that help investors and advisers compare funds of similar types before looking in detail at individual funds.
Figures are shown on a % total return basis, bid to bid price with net income reinvested; Source: FE Analytics, data for August 2024: 31/07/2024 to 31/08/2024. Onshore and retail open-ended funds only.
Please note: the value of investments can fall as well as rise. Investors may get back less than invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
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