Investing is an alternative way to save for the future, giving your money the chance to grow over time. Almost everyone should consider investing once they have paid off expensive debts and saved up a rainy-day fund.
Kickstart your investment journey and download our guide for beginner investors. You’ll get practical guidance on:
The investment world can be complex at times, so it’s advised to plan out your personal finances before investing. This could include setting up an emergency fund, paying off debts, or starting a pension. Our free financial health checklist includes:
Open your investment account in minutes with our secure platform and app. Build your portfolio from over 12,500 UK & International Shares, Funds, ETFs and Investment Trusts.
There are widely held assumptions about investing that mean many people miss out on growing their money over the longer term. Here are some of the most common 'myths' of investing.
Erica is a beginner investor who keeps track of her investment journey with a series of video tutorials. Each lesson covers a new investment topic, helping you to understand the basics, bust the jargon, and break down the barriers to investing.
In this episode, Erica wants to learn about investing and understand the risks, creating a checklist before deciding to take the investment plunge.
Watch our video to find out more about our service, suited to all levels of investor.
At Charles Stanley Direct, we use technology where it helps; people where it matters. Find out how you can get started on your investment journey today.
If you are unsure of the suitability of your investment please seek professional financial advice. Investors should be aware that past performance is not a guide to the future and that the price of shares and other investments, and the income derived from them, may fall as well as rise and the amount realised may be less than the original sum invested.
Take a look at our range of articles, podcasts and videos to help you get started with investing.
If you’d like additional support, we offer a range of services available to help you get to grips with investing and your personal finances.
Speak to a real-life financial coach, who can help you gain clarity around your money situation and take the next steps with confidence.
Got a tricky financial question? Get a clear action plan tailored to meet your needs, from inheritance tax planning to making sure you are planning for the retirement you want.
Is your portfolio working for you? Get a better insight into performance and risk with a thorough investment review.
Get a better understanding of your current situation and the options available to you, take advantage of a free consultation with a Financial Professional.
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