Managed Portfolio Service

Fusion DFM Model Portfolios

Choose from a wide range of Managed Portfolios, including our three exclusive DFM Model Portfolios for Fusion Wealth.

DFM Model Portfolios

Overview and factsheets

Discretionary Investment Management (DFM) service which provides clients with a portfolio directly invested in UK equities and bonds, with collectives providing the international, commercial property and alternative/specialist fund exposure.

Our DFM Model Portfolios have three investment strategies that aim to out-perform the relevant WMA benchmark. The asset allocation is broadly based on the relevant WMA Index with some flexibility to move outside the benchmark asset allocations.

Award-winning service

Our DFM Model Portfolio Service has 5 Star Defaqto rating Blended MPS (Direct)

View all awards

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0207 739 8200 (Open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

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