For clients who want a low cost, actively managed portfolio with unconstrained access to the market.
High quality, active asset allocation using passive investments.
Pairing dynamic, top-down investing with low-cost index tracking has proven itself over time. These portfolios are passively implemented, using index tracking collective vehicles to build out our ideas.
We keep underlying investment management fees as low as possible for minimum impact on investment performance. Seeking the best total return while remaining within the stated level of risk.
Our investment approach draws on the rigour of the Charles Stanley’s Centralised Investment Process, including outputs from our Investment Strategy Forum and monthly Asset Allocation meetings.
The chart to the side provide the annualised cumulative performance for each of our Dynamic Passive Portfolios alongside their respective Consumer Price Index objective. For further insight and analysis please refer to the factsheets.
By clicking on the legend titles, you can filter which portfolios and benchmarks are displayed.
Source: FE Fundinfo 2024 as at 30 September 2024
Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. The value of investments, and any income derived from them, can fall as well as rise and may be affected by exchange rate variations. Investors may get back less than invested. Performance is calculated on a Total Return basis using a notional portfolio in FE Analytics and assumes income is reinvested. Performance is net of Charles Stanley investment management fees and underlying fund charges but not adviser fees nor platform costs. Any charges and fees applied by platforms and/or authorised intermediaries will be charged in addition to the charges shown.
Access all Dynamic Passive factsheets below and key information related consumer duty.
Objective | Portfolio | Dynamic Planner Risk Profile | Performance target* |
Total return | Dynamic Passive 1 | 3 | Inflation |
Total return | Dynamic Passive 2 | 4 | Inflation +1% |
Total return | Dynamic Passive 3 | 5 | Inflation +2% |
Total return | Dynamic Passive 4 | 6 | Inflation +3% |
Total return | Dynamic Passive 5 | 7 | Inflation +4% |
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The value of investments, and any income derived from them, can fall as well as rise and may be affected by exchange rate variations. Investors may get back less than invested. Performance is calculated on a Total Return basis using a notional portfolio in FE Analytics. Performance is net of Charles Stanley investment management fees but not adviser fees nor platform costs. Any charges and fees applied by platforms and/or authorised intermediaries will be charged in addition to the charges shown. The Total Ongoing Charges Figure (TOC) is calculated on a periodic basis using a weighted average of the most recent publicly available Total Ongoing Charges for the underlying investments as at the date of the factsheet. This includes the underlying funds’ Ongoing Charges Figure plus Transaction costs plus Incidental costs. Please note that whilst we endeavour to show all charges associated with specific funds, sometimes this is not possible due to the information not being made available by the fund provider. In such cases transaction or incidental cost information may be missing. The Indicative Yield is provided for guidance purposes only and is calculated on a periodic basis using a weighted average of the most recent publicly available income yields for the underlying investments. Yields for the underlying funds, and thus for the strategy, are likely to differ in the future. The Indicative Yield does not represent guaranteed income. Portfolios linked to this Model Portfolio may not exactly replicate the model due to the difference in timing of initial investment or rebalancing differences resulting from minimum transaction size limits on platforms. The management and rebalancing of this Model Portfolio does not take Capital Gains Tax into consideration. This factsheet has been prepared for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or a personal recommendation, nor does it constitute an invitation to purchase units or shares. The information on which the document is based is deemed to be reliable. Charles Stanley has not independently verified such information and its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. Although Charles Stanley's information providers, including without limitation, MSCI ESG Research LLC and its affiliates (the “ESG Parties”), obtain information (the “Information”) from sources they consider reliable, none of the ESG Parties warrants or guarantees the originality, accuracy and/or completeness, of any data herein and expressly disclaim all express or implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Information may only be used for your internal use, may not be reproduced or redisseminated in any form and may not be used as a basis for, or a component of, any financial instruments or products or indices. Further, none of the Information can in and of itself be used to determine which securities to buy or sell or when to buy or sell them. None of the ESG Parties shall have any liability for any errors or omissions in connection with any data herein, or any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.